Latest News
1/3: NYCDOB: Elevator Test Req’s | Local Law 152 Gas Piping Cert Changes
NYC DOB updates elevator category test requirements and issues service notice updates for elevator test requirements.
NYC DOB Proposed Rule – Amendment of Rules Governing Boiler and Elevator Inspections
The Department of Buildings is proposing to amend section 101-07 of Subchapter A of Chapter 100 of Title 1 of the Rules of the City of New York.
Rescuing homeless pets is good for business and we can prove it…
We're volunteering to help Long Island's greatest champion of homeless pets and we want you to join us. Hint: Its actually great for business!
NYC DOB Publishes Comprehensive Multiyear Safety Report
The Department of Buildings (DOB) announced today the release of a new building construction safety report that provides deep insights on construction safety trends in the five boroughs over the 2019 and 2020 calendar years and examines Department initiatives that led to declines in building construction-related incidents and injuries during that time.
Celebrating Differences – April is Autism Acceptance Month
This April, Cahill Strategies recognizes Autism Acceptance Month
The COVID-19 Crisis – Your Communications Future is on the Other Side of This
While it certainly may be a bit of a stretch to see opportunity in this existential emergency, we do now have the ability to “re-stock” our communications capabilities while business as usual is on hold.
COVID-19 Phase One NYC DOB Update 6/5
Today the NYC Department of Buildings shared some additional information that is important to note as New York City construction fully reopens on Monday, 6/8
ESD Construction Staging Guidance for Reopening Construction Sites Updated
Over the weekend the Governors' office released advanced guidance about starting to prep construction sites for reopening.
Clarifying Governor’s Guidance to Reopen Construction: Important Links 5/14/20
The New York State Department of Health and the Governor's Office have released Interim Guidelines for construction activities and the industry during COVID-19. In clarifying these guidelines, we're now attaching 3 very important links to help you meet Phase One of the Construction Guidelines.
The New York State Department of Health and the Governor's Office have just released Interim Guidelines for construction activities and the industry during COVID-19. We are currently breaking them down in more detail and will be sending out further updates in the coming days.
COVID 19 DOB Essential Waiver And FDNY NEW Online Services Update
The Department of Buildings has released several updates concerning the essential waivers and the process to apply for the waivers on 4/29/20.
COVID-19 DOB ESDC Classification UPDATE
The Department of Buildings has updated and clarified the process for the Essential Construction Waivers.