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Welcome, New York City Council’s New Speaker
A new speaker has been elected to the New York City Council.
Cahill Blog: From Non-Profit To No-Profit
The current tax bills, being considered in Washington, pose a major threat to New York non-profits, as well as many New Yorkers in general.
Cahill Blog: Two Organizations On Giving Tuesday
It’s time to give back
Cahill Blog: Election 2017
Nationally, the 2017 election is being called a blue wave. Here in New York, it is more like a two-level pool. On the shallow end, near-record low turnout in New York City where tepid enthusiasm for winner Bill de Blasio kept voters out of the water.
New Yorkers and The Constitutional Convention
Voters have the power to change the constitution. A power that is conveniently available to us every 20 years.
Cahill Blog: 33,000 jobs lost in the month of September
Payroll drops in September end a nearly 7-year streak of continuous in Job gains, but economists caution that the drop is likely representing the short-term consequences of bad weather, not a long-term shift in the job market.
Cahill Blog: Devastating Blow to New York Hospitals
New York’s healthcare system was hit hard once again on Sunday after the federal government made budget cuts affecting New York Hospitals.
New Yorkers are giving their all and more to help the people of Puerto Rico.
Over a Million New Yorkers call Puerto Rico home, so the devastation of Hurricane Maria has hit home with many New Yorkers.
President Trump’s Tax Plan
President Donald Trump and the Republican party finally introduced their long-awaited Tax-plan.
City Council Passes Bills on Autism and Disability Classification Reporting.
City Council passes bills concerning autism and disability classification reporting. Contact us if you have any questions concerning these bills.
Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz 1971 – 2017
Cahill Strategies extends our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz.
Cahill Blog: The Constitutional Convention of 2019, Take 2, Action!
Every 20 years, the option to hold a new constitutional convention is on the voter’s ballot. But so far, the vote has always been a resounding no.