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Cahill Blog: Peralta to Join Breakaway Democrats in New York Senate
Queens Democratic State Senator Jose Peralta announced that he will officially be joining the breakaway group of Democrats in the State Senate known as the Senate Independent Democratic Conference.
Cahill Blog: Mayor de Blasio proposes $84.67billion budget
Mayor de Blasio unveiled his $84.67 billion proposed spending year for New York City in the 2018 fiscal year. The looming question on NYC's budget this year is how any potential withdrawal of federal funding will impact the final NYC budget, set to be finalized before the summer.
CRAINS: Cuomo’s budget expands design-build, but not to NYC
New legislation from Gov. Andrew Cuomo would expand the use of design-build—a streamlined bidding process for large infrastructure projects—to all state agencies, according a budget proposal released earlier this week, a move that could prove essential for New York should it have to compete with other states for federal infrastructure dollars.
Politico: Dueling studies on union membership shape debate over construction trades
As the real estate industry and construction unions prepare for a legislative fight in the City Council over worker safety, new data is being released that suggests non-union workers are more diverse, and more likely to live in New York City, than their counterparts in the city's trades unions.
The Real Deal: Unions, nonunions fight over construction safety legislation
The battle between union and nonunion contractors is again flaring up over a new set of construction safety bills being proposed before the City Council.
City’s Largest Modular Project Built by Rinaldi Group is the Talk of New York
The Rinaldi Group is building the biggest modular-construction hotel project ever built in NYC, using an innovative construction method known as modular construction.
Associated Builders and Contractors Hold ‘World Class Safety’ Presentation with New York Developers
On January 5th, the Associated Builders and Contractors’ Inc. Empire State chapter held it’s “Road Map to World Class Safety” forum in which dozens of developers and contractors from around the New York City area learned how to enhance their knowledge on the benefits of construction safety reform.
Cahill Blog: Cuomo’s Free College Tuition Plan
In one of his first major initiatives of the new legislative session, Governor Cuomo announced today a plan, called the Excelsior Scholarship, to offer free tuition at state colleges to hundreds of thousands of middle and low-income New Yorkers.
The Cahill Strategies Blog
Welcome to the Cahill Strategies blog! On here we will be providing an analysis on all things government relations, communications, and trends and changes in your industry as they occur.
New Law Expands Access To Special Needs Trusts
Tucked inside a larger bill signed by President Barack Obama this week is a tweak to federal law that’s designed to make it easier for people with disabilities to save money.
ConEd Brooklyn-Queens Non-Wire Alternative Project Installs First Microgrid
Consolidated Edison's Brooklyn-Queens Neighborhood Program is installing its first microgrid aimed at deferring investment in the bulk power grid: a combined battery, fuel cell and solar PV facility at Brooklyn's Marcus Garvey apartments.
Client News: The Neighborhood House of Sayville Begins Winter 2017 Intake
Neighborhood House is now conducting intake sessions for the Winter 2017 program. Services are completely free and run by licensed mental health professionals trained in grief and traumatic loss.