Latest News
8/25: NYCDOB: Certified Site Safety Managers, Coordinators Can Hold A Construction Superintendent Registration
Effective August 14, 2022, certified Site Safety Managers (SSM) and Site Safety Coordinators (SSC) can simultaneously hold a Construction Superintendent registration.
7/22: NYCDOB: New Periodic Inspection Requirements for NYC Parking Structures
Beginning January 1, 2022, Local Law 126 of 2021 requires owners of parking structures to hire a NYS licensed professional engineer who is designated by the Department as a Qualified Parking Structure Inspector
7/13: Updates to Site Safety Plan Submissions, Construction Superintendent Job Limitations, and Site Safety Release and Sidewalk Shed Removal Requests
Beginning July 15, 2022, site safety plans can be submitted before the job is approved and are no longer required for subsequent filings in DOB NOW.
7/8: NYCDOB Final Rules Regarding Site Safety Managers, Site Safety Coordinators and Construction Superintendents
Read NYCDOB's Final Rule - Rules regarding Site Safety Managers, Site Safety Coordinators and Construction Superintendents will be published in the City Record on 7/15/22, effective 8/14/22
6/15: New Local Law 149 – Primary Construction Superintendents
As of June 1, 2022, per Local Law 149 of 2021, no individual may be designated as the primary construction superintendent for more than five jobs
5/16: NYC DOB: Final Rule – Amendment of Rules Governing Parking Structures
Final Rule - Amendment of Rules Governing Parking Structures. This Final Rule will be published in the City Record on 5/23/22. The effective date is 6/22/22.
5/10: NYC DOB Clarifies 2014 and 2022 Construction Codes with Must-See Bulletin
NYC DOB releases comprehensive bulletin clarifying when to apply the 2014 Construction Codes or the 2022 Construction Codes
4/19 NYC DOB CY2021 Benchmarking Compliance Deadline Extended
Property owners who were required to submit their CY2021 benchmarking information by May 1, 2022, are required to submit a fully compliant report by May 31, 2022.
4/12: NYC DOB: DEP Stormwater Construction and Stormwater Maintenance Permits
Applicants for work that will result in an amount of soil disturbance greater than or equal to 20,000 square feet, or in the creation of 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface, are required to submit DEP Stormwater Construction and Stormwater Maintenance Permits.
4/7: NYC DOB: Service Notice – Temporary Process For Submitting Site Safety Plans
NYCDOB has issued the following Service Notice for the interim process for submitting SSPs in DOB NOW before the GC or FO job is approved.
4/1: NYC DOB Announces Clarification on Periodic Boiler Inspections
On Friday, April 1, The New York City Department of Buildings issued a clarification on periodic boiler inspections:
3/23: NYCDOB: Gas Piping Inspections Due Date Extension
The New York City Department of Buildings advises that Local Law 138 allows for an amendment to Local Law 152 which allows building owners to receive a 180-day extension of the due date for the inspection of the building's gas piping system