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Cahill Blog: New York City Office of Nightlife?
Introduction 1688-A, which is sponsored by Espinal would establish a Nightlife Advisory Board and an Office of Nightlife.
NYC Construction Mentorship Program Is Open To NYC-Certified M/WBEs
New York City Small Business Services Begins New York City Construction Mentorship and Bond Readiness.
De Blasio Is Going After Big Money
De Blasio is on the path to taxing the wealthy in New York City to get the transit done as quickly as possible.
Cahill Blog: East Harlem
Tensions in East Harlem are at an all time high. Gale Brewer, the Manhattan Borough President, finally took a stance on the rezoning of the neighborhood and decided to reject the plan.
Cahill Blog: Blue Dog Goes Red
Should the current political climate surprise us at all? Last night, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice announced that he was switching his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican.
Affordable Housing Has a Deeper Meaning
The initiative on affordable housing is finally making progress. As part of the Mayor’s agenda, affordable housing has been recorded to be part of one fifth of de Blasio’s construction budget.
Third Times the Charm, Scaramucci Out
It only took Anthony Scaramucci ten days to step down as White House Communications Director after another major change took place within the Trump administration.
IDC- Independent Democratic Conference or I Don’t Care?
The Democratic Party in New York State has split. Whether it’s the city, the state or even on the federal level, they are at each other’s throats with the policies they should be focusing on.
Cahill Blog: 421-A Revision
421-a is seeing a big change in its revived state.
Promising Long Island Tech
Long Island's technology community appears to be on the upswing once again.
Spicer Splits, Enter Scaramucci
After appointing Anthony Scaramucci as White House Communication Director, Spicer’s disagreement with the Presidents choice left him no option but to resign his post.