From the RNC to the White House, Sean Spicer’s contribution to the Trump administration has been a roller coaster. After appointing Anthony Scaramucci as White House Communication Director, Spicer’s disagreement with the Presidents choice left him no option but to resign his post. The sudden decision to resign as Press Secretary goes beyond the appointment of Scaramucci. Since Spicer has been in charge of being the voice of President Trump, his strategy in the press room left many people to question his credibility and relationship with the media. Whether it was allegations of ties with Russia, election fraud or even inauguration attendance, the frustration of the media led Spicer to be on the defensive every time he stepped up to the podium to speak on behalf of the President.

Another aspect to consider was the resignation of Michael Dubke, the previous White House Communication Director to President Trump. This led Spicer to take on both the press room and the message for the administration. Being in both positions is considered to be the toughest job because creating a message for a President who has his own communications strategy, in regards to twitter and going off the teleprompter, is frustrating within itself. Sean Spicer will be serving until the end of August 2017 and Sarah Huckabee Sanders who has been filling in for Spicer during his split responsibilities will be taking over.

Anthony Scaramucci has been a loyal advocate of the Trump campaign and administration. He and Reince Priebus have been life long friends and brought on Scaramucci to the transition team back in December 2016. He hopes that Trump will continue to be himself to the American people, believing this is the best strategy.